Top Clinton aide headed to Georgetown University

Melanne Verveer
(Mandel Ngan - AFP/GETTY IMAGES)
Team Hillary is decamping from Foggy Bottom.

Melanne Verveer, one of the former secretary of state’s closest pals and her chief of staff in the Clinton White House years, is leaving Friday to run Georgetown University’s new Institute on Women, Peace and Security.

President Obama appointed Verveer in 2009 to be the first-ever ambassador-at- large for global women’s issues, an area of particular focus and concern for Clinton. Verveer visited some 60 countries to promote women’s economic and political participation, including garden spots like Afghanistan and the violence-torn, not-so-Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Her husband, top communications lawyer Phil Verveer, left his job at State last week, where he’d been coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy. He’s said to be mulling his options.

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Top Clinton aide headed to Georgetown University